Read One Other Book
1.10: The Grapes of Wrath: Running Dry at the Word Well

Chapter 26

1.9: The Grapes of Wrath: Jule

Steinbeck and Native American Characters

1.8: The Grapes of Wrath: Title Drop.

Chapter 23-25

1.7: The Grapes Of Wrath: If I Was A Crank Would I Know?

Chapter 22

1.6: The Grapes of Wrath: John's Guy Museum

Chapters 19-21

1.5: The Grapes of Wrath: Organized Costumed Antagonism

Chapters 16-18 plus some Twitter Discourse

1.4: The Grapes of Wrath: Bad Times In Bidenville

Chapters 12-15

1.3: The Grapes of Wrath: Updog

Chapters 8-11